Jane’s Walk seminar #2: “Play the city game, it’s never the same!” (announcement) Sudionici šetnje “Zaigrani grad” s Ivom Sillom pored Meštrovićevog paviljona [GP 2019.]

Jane’s Walk seminar #2: “Play the city game, it’s never the same!” (announcement)


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Seminar “Jane’s Walk: Play the city game, it’s never the same!”
Trešnjevka Cultural Centre, Zagreb, 18th -20th October 2019

“Whenever we are seized with vertigo at the ceaseless shuttlings and spinnings in our mind of the thought: What is play? What is serious? we shall find the fixed, unmoving point that logic denies us, once more in the sphere of ethics. Play, we began by saying, lies outside morals. In itself it is neither good nor bad. But if we have to decide whether an action to which our will impels us is a serious duty or is licit as play, our moral conscience will at once provide the touchstone.”  (Johan Huizinga, “Homo Ludens“)

About the seminar:
Jane’s Walk is a global project that was launched in Toronto (Canada) in 2006 with the aim of bringing the ideas of the urbanist Jane Jacobs (1916 -2006) to life. She promoted the idea of citizen-led walking tours where residents got together with the purpose of exploring the city together, conversing and enjoying the city attractions, while actively participating in the life and sustainable development of their cities. The project has been active since 2006 and it currently encompasses 372 cities in 58 countries on 6 continents.

Zagreb joined this network of cities in 2015 through the activities of the “Trešnjevka Mapping” project within the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre , a local organiser and coordinator of this project for the City of Zagreb. With the aim of connecting and collaborating with colleagues that encounter similar issues in Zagreb, as well as in other Croatian and European cities, the first Jane’s Walk seminar titled “Jane’s Walk: A City from a Walking perspective. Examples of Good Practice” , which welcomed 30 participants from 12 countries, along with lecturers from Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, was held in 2018.

This year, lectures, workshops and guided walks scheduled during the second Jane’s Walk seminar, will discuss the experiences from previous events held within the Jane’s Walk project and similar actions. Special attention will be dedicated to the ways in which fun, creativity and play (within the broadest sense of the word) can favourably impact the quality of life in cities, encourage citizens to lead an active life and bring them together.

Jane Jacobs, Canadian urbanist and activist, was a firm believer in the importance of local residents having a say in how their cities and neighbourhoods developed, and she encouraged them to familiarise themselves with the places where they live and work. Through the process of familiarising themselves with their surroundings and realising their own needs, residents can express their wishes and needs in a more quality manner, thus becoming active participants in transforming and tailoring the city to their own needs.

The elements of play are able to provide a strong impetus for engaging residents in their community, thus improving their quality of life by encouraging interests, gatherings, fun and exploration. Therefore, we wish to, through interaction and sharing of experiences, discover how we can engage them in play and include them in this process by using a broad spectrum of means which can be applied in a public space (surprise effect, laughter, curiosity, participation in art, landscaping and other interventions…).

Target groups:
Walks and other events within the Jane’s Walk project seek to help local residents and visitors to identify with the local community, help building social bonds between and with local residents, stimulate critical thinking and encourage an active approach to the city’s everyday life by identifying needs and problems, discussing the possibilities for their solution and participation in their solving, either directly, through contacts with local self-government units or indirectly, through local associations and interest groups. Therefore, this seminar is intended for representatives of local self-government units, leaders of similar initiatives, representatives of civil associations and residents in general. As it encourages an active and healthy lifestyle, it is also aimed at those institutions and associations that advocate such a lifestyle.

Participation in the seminar is free of charge and is open to all interested residents that have previously registered for the event. The seminar shall be held on the premises of the Trešnjevka Cultural Centre.

“Instead of the old saw: “All is vanity”, the more positive conclusion forces itself upon us that “all is play”. A cheap metaphor, no doubt, mere impotence of the mind; yet it is the wisdom Plato arrived at when he called man the play¬thing of the gods.” (Johan Huizinga, “Homo Ludens“)

Andreas Lindinger, Vienna: urban management consultant at denkstatt and the organiser of the Jane’s Walk event in Vienna

János Klaniczay, Budapest: Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, organiser of the Jane’s Walk event in Budapest
Tímea Szőke, Budapest: Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, project coordinator

Višnja Kukoč, Split: architect, assistant professor at the Department of Urbanism at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy of the University of Split, organiser of the Jane’s Walk event in Split

Lara Bolković, Pula: independent landscaping architect, organiser of the Jane’s Walk event in

Iva Silla, Zagreb: manager of the “Kazivačica“ sole proprietorship who founded the “Secret Zagreb” project in 2011 and is dedicated to developing creative projects in cultural tourism and interpreting cultural heritage

Mario Miličić a.k.a. Mane Mei, Zagreb: first and foremost a human being, graffiti artist, poet. He has been into graffiti art for 21 years and, to him, the street represents the best medium for displaying his works.

Klara Šimunović, Zagreb: independent cultural manager, copywriter by profession, who has gotten into self-initiated cultural projects and art practices in the last several years with the aim of connecting and networking artists from the independent cultural scene. Author of one solo and several group exhibitions.

Danijel Kovač, Zagreb: sculptor, employed with the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, head of the course “Art in Public Space” and participant in the project “City at a Second Glance”

Vanja Radovanović, Zagreb: co-author and co-manager of the project “Trešnjevka Mapping”, one of the coordinators and leaders of the Jane’s Walk event in Zagreb

Guest speakers:
Michaela Crevatin, architect, Trieste: independent architect, organiser of the Jane’s Walk event in Trieste (Italy)

Tanja Novotni Golubić, Daruvar: deputy county prefect of the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, initiator of the Jane’s Walk event in Daruvar

Sanda Kočevar, Karlovac: museum advisor to the Historical Department of the Karlovac City Museum and senior lecturer at the Karlovac Polytechnic in the course “Tourist Evaluation of Cultural Heritage” which includes socially useful learning – recognising the needs of the community in tourist evaluation and organising walks for different groups of beneficiaries. Initiator of the Jane’s Walk event in Karlovac.

Some of the topics to be discussed at the seminar:
Jane’s Walk events: how many walks are organised each year; how the notifications are sent to the residents; media interest in the walks (and how to encourage it); who leads the walks (organisers, guest leaders and/or residents who apply by themselves); interaction with the walkers during the walks; duration; participants’ profile (age, sex, education..); reaction of walkers and whether or not they remain in contact with the organisers and/or leaders; whether the focus is more on the past or the current trends…

Other activities pertaining to the Jane’s Walk project: lecturers, web content, cooperation with schools, faculties, cities

Play in public space: experience and examples of good practice from Zagreb and other cities and countries; how to revive public space and make it not only more functional but also pleasant and challenging to live in. Interrelation of play and art, how to include artists in the revival of public and/or unused space.

Organisation of walks and other Jane’s Walk events: who organises them and why (motivation, personal and professional interests, cooperation, modus operandi…)

Cooperation with local self-government units: support, participation, cooperation, joint projects …

Opportunity to cooperate with other public life stakeholders in the city: the media, museums, tourist organisations, professional associations, alternative approaches

Opportunity for inter-city cooperation: manners of cooperation, opportunities, ideas…

Finances: funding by local self-government units, sponsors, sale of promotional materials…

The seminar is funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, the City Office for Culture of the City of Zagreb, the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Hungarian Institute of Zagreb.

The seminar is supported by Print studio Klamerica-dizajn, Ozaljska 82, Zagreb-Trešnjevka.

FRIDAY, 18.10.2019.
14:00 – 16:00h: Welcome and introductions (for lecturers and invited guests)

16:00 – 17:00h: Lunch break (Cekate – Trešnjevka Cultural Centre)

Presentations, first part: Zagreb (Vanja Radovanović, Klara Šimunović, Danijel Kovač), Vienna (Andreas Lindinger)

From 19:00h
Guided theme walk “Playful city” with Iva Silla.

SATURDAY, 19.10.2019.
10:00 – 13:00h
Guided theme walk “Comfy walk” with Mario Miličić a.k.a Mane Mei.

14:00 – 16:00h: Lunch break (Cekate – Trešnjevka Cultural Centre)

16:00 – 19:30h
Presentations, second part: Budapest (János Klaniczay, Tímea Szőke), Split (Višnja Kukoč), Pula (Lara Bolković)

From 20:00 – 23:00h
Social activities for lecturers and invited guests.

SUNDAY, 20.10.2019.
10:00 -12:00h
Let’s play with Trešnjevka mapping – game for lecturers, invited guests and other participants! (Meeting point: the entrance of Cekate – Trešnjevka Cultural Centre)

12:00 – 13:00h
Closing discussion and exchange of impressions.

13:00 – 14:00h: Lunch break (Cekate – Trešnjevka Cultural Centre)

From 14:00h: Free time, parting and departures.

Please note:
• English will be the working language of the seminar.
• Lunch is arranged for lecturers and invited guests, other participants are asked to make lunch arrangements at their discretion.
• The program may be changed by Trešnjevka Cultural Centre at any time without prior notice.

Link to the registration web form

More information on this topic can be found on the following links:

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